How is formed and what kind of technology does the Channel 5’s workflow operates?
At the moment LT 84 Channel 5 Rosario, is part of a big TV network which in addition to other seven channels from Argentina’s countryside such as Channel 8 from Tucumán, Channel 8 from Mar del Plata, Channel 9 from Bahia Blanca, Channel 7 from Neuquén, Channel 8 from Córdoba, Channel 11 from Salta and Channel 13 from Santa Fé form a federal TV chain: Telefe. In this context, together with Telefe’s Planning Department was made an extend digital network with all the countryside’s channels (TVI)and the capital channel, in order to optimize the resources in news and also commercial parts. This speeded up the process in both departments and it was reflected in broadcasting. FTP was more powerful, which gave us dynamism with external producers which we didn’t have at the moment.

How did appear the need to incorporate the CG5 and in which way inserts in that workflow?
The CG5’s incorporation was approved with all the technical support team of the interior and Telefe. From the beginning, they agreed that it has the needed characteristics to improve in an artistic way our screen. From that moment and once the project was presented to Telefe, it became part of the competition with other equipment in the market. We knew CG5could easily adapt to our structure and would be able to add different effects that we were not used to have at the moment.

What are the CG5’s main characteristics?
We have a lot of local production and this equipment added many options to our screen. The operator’s definition was: “what a friendly equipment to operate”. This phrase sums up a bit. We are always getting something to use it resources much better and the equipment has always answered well.

Are you using it with its full potential or partially?
We are using it partially in accordance to our actual needs. Surely, when we need, we’ll work with all CG5’s potential.

In what way is important the possibility to work with developing and technical support in a national company like Media 5?
At the present, two equipment were acquired for Channel 5 from Rosario and Channel 13 from Santa Fe, with the idea to reach all the TVI’s network. The personalized attention was really successful and simplified a lot the technological changes. The equipment reached both channels, and in a week was already working. In this whole change, we could count always with Media 5’s support.

How do you evaluate the equipment all along this time?
For an on-line equipment it is very trustworthy, versatile and adaptable to any need.

Eduardo Oscar Schbib, LT 84 Channel 5 Rosario Technical Management / Technical Coordination TVI


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