Teledeportes was in charge of the production and broadcasting of the Paraguay-Uruguay preliminary round’s match in the World Cup 2014 in Asunción, Paraguay. “We realized the integral production of the match; this is the first time ever in Paraguay. In the technical part, we made an 8 camera’s coverage and there was a HD 80/50 broadcasting which was received all over Latin America. Concerning audio, we used four channels; two of them were for sound environment, the third one was for three reporters for Uruguay and the fourth was for a guide-relator, which is a service for those countries that when they receive the broadcast, they want to realize a language translation”, explains Sayal, Technical Advisor of the channel.

For this production, we used CG5 HD which Teledeportes added recently; and Sayal describes the experience as a very good one. “The contribution of the equipment concerning the animation and graphics was solid and versatile. This confirmed me the good recommendations about this equipment and got me over some doubts about the requirements that HD may demand”. Talking about the benefits about CG5 HD, he says “It was very practical what we did about the graphics and animations; the most pleasant thing was the stability to the result of the high data volumes that a production like this needs. Getting over this was one of the main virtues that I can say, because it’s common in HD broadcast that the equipment is usually unstable. In this case, it didn’t happen”.

Considering that CG5 HD is not high cost equipment compared with other similar ones, it gave us huge benefits. I highlight that it’s a simple equipment to operate, very stable and it is at the quality height of the most recognized equipment of the world”, concluded.

Héctor Sayal, Technical Advisor from Teledeportes Paraguay


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