Which are the main reasons La Corte acquired CG5 as it´s own character generator?
At the moment, we have three character generators CG5. The first one we introduce it when we decided to replace a Pinnacle’s equipment because it had a few years. At that moment, the relation price-versatility of CG5, compared with similar equipment from foreign countries, was very good. Therefore, years passed, and we bought two more generators.

What attributes has CG5 for on air work?
In our experience, we think CG5 has a simple and quick interface. Once the graphic is done, the only thing the generator does is to play different .avi animations. This allows movement graphics with video content and important textures.

In which way CG5 inserts in La Corte’s workflow?
The three CG5 we have are working in our studies as character generators such as live programmes or recorded productions. There are programmes with a certain graphic for specific channels, where each channel has the graphic base, and CG5 adapts perfectly with no changes between a programme and other. The three CG5 we have work perfectly in our workflow; in fact, we don’t need another equipment to create the graphic, since all can be done with the generator.

What kinds of productions are broadcasting these equipments?
At this moment, these are being use in 80% of live programmes in Channel 26 and also, are use in the realization of different programmes such as Casa Club TV from MGM, Discovery Channel, Magazine, Metro, America Sports, Deport TV, Channel 7, among others.

Nowadays, besides CG5 SD, now we have acquired HD versions of this equipment.

What kind of answer did you have from technical support of Media 5?
Seriously, excellent. Even though we didn’t have many problems, every time we need we had a quick answer. Also, in more than one occasion, they assist in weekends. And in those cases, some situations were solved by phone and other times, we needed a technical personal who came to our place and solved our problems.


Fernando Nassi, Technical Manager – LA CORTE


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